Enhancing Innovation, Marketing, and Growth
Enhancing Innovation, Marketing, and Growth
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As consultants, we offer our clients the best of our creativity and ingenuity. In addition, we also serve in the complementary role as facilitators, in order to draw out and build upon the strengths already present and potent within your company or practice. Together, we help you reach outcomes that may even exceed your deepest dreams, highest hopes and grandest goals.
Innovation is the creation of new and improved sources of value. It is the wellspring of economic progress. We come alongside to accelerate the innovation cycle and bring tomorrow into today. By so doing, we help our clients move ahead in the pack, or move ahead of the pack altogether.
We have expertise in both the philanthropic world and the business world. Thus, we are
specially prepared to “cross-pollinate” proven and readily adaptable best practices,
methods and technologies from both “worlds”. We also draw from different sectors in
each world, capitalize on success practices, and then apply them to your business or
professional practice, in order to give you strategic advantage over your peers.
There are three, and only three, ways to grow any business or professional practice:
• Increase the number of customers or clients
• Increase the amount of the average transaction
• Increase the frequency of transactions
We are confident that together we will significantly contribute to new sources of revenue and sustainable growth in all three of these strategic priority areas. For example, we have collected over thirty methods for generating referrals. Whereas, from what we have seen, very few companies and practices use more than a handful of referral methods. We want our clients to enjoy consistent, compounding growth year after year in the strategic direction they have chosen.
Improvements and additional efforts in one area will compound the growth of the other
two areas just like compound interest. In our experience and research, very few
companies and practices of any size maximize all three strategies. In sum, we strive
to improve our client’s position in all three areas, and we guarantee our work.
Together, we accomplish this overarching aim by making a contribution
in the three growth areas above and in the following three spheres of enhancement:
• Fostering the free flow of productivity
• Co-discovering hidden assets and opportunities
• Co-creating new value and revenue growth
We adhere to the commitment expressed by Hippocrates (460 B.C. – 370 B.C.), “First do no harm.”
We also hold to a “Golden Rule” minimum standard in all our dealings.
You should expect from us everything a client could wish for: excellence and competence,
confidentiality and discretion, courtesy and respect, honesty and honor,
and a keen and sincere interest in the well being of your people.
We respect the client’s corporate culture, values and strategic direction, and all of our
work will be done in support of and aligned with these priorities. We listen deeply in
order to make certain that we first truly understand what is most important to you.
We generally work on a value-based fee approach with a performance guarantee, so
that you pay, not for time and effort, but for the economic value of results. In this
way, we assure that the incentives and success measurements of the client and
consultant are in harmony; we only prosper and succeed when you do.
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